CHOI, Pyung Arm cpahappy@gmail.com
Pennsylvania State Univ., Ph. D in Finance, 1991 SUNY/Buffalo, MBA, 1987 Seoul Nat'l Univ., B.A in Economics, 1979 o 2016.03 ∼ 2019.12 Prof., ChungBuk Nat'l Univ o 2014.07 ∼ 2016.03 Senior Researh Fellow, KIF o 1994.02 ∼ 2014.07 Nat'l Intelligence Service, Korea o 2001.05 ∼ 2002.08 Visiting Prof., Univ. of Cambridge o 1991.12 ∼ 1993.12 Research Fellow, SERI |
Jo, Sung-Hwan 77shjo@gmail.com,,
Professor, Graduate School of Political Studies Kyonggi University (R.O.K.) Ph.D.(Political Science, 1989), ÉCOLE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES EN SCIENCES SOCIALES, PARIS(FRANCE) Research Fellow, SEJONG INSTITUTE Dean, Graduate School of Political Studies, Kyonggi University Member, Advisory Committee of Korean National Assembly Reform Member, Policy Advisory Committee to Korean National Defense Ministry President, Korean Association of Political and Diplomatic Historical Studies |
Kim, Chulhong paulstudy@naver.com
Dr. Chulhong Kim Professor, Presbyterian Theological University and Seminary, Seoul, Korea. Chairman, Public Human Rights Alliance, Seoul, Korea. Th.M. and Ph.D.(New Testament), Fuller Theological Seminary S.T.M.(in Ecumenics), Union Theological Seminary in New York M.Div., Presbyterian Theological Univ. and Seminary B.A., Sociology, Seoul National University |
Kim, Seung-wook swkim921@gmail.com
Professor, Department of Economics, Chung-Ang University (Focus: New Institutional Economic History, Labor Economics) Ph.D., Economics, University of Georgia B.A., Economics, Chung-Ang University 1988-present Professor, Chung-Ang University. Economic History, Economic History of Korea, Macroeconomics 1991-1992 UNIDO Technical Advisor, Malaysia's Industrial Master Plan 2001-2004 President, East-Asia Research Institution in Chung-Ang University |
Kwak, Sehyun sekwak@empass.com
B.A.and Ph.D. Study, Economics in Seoul National University M.S., KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Researcher, KISDI(Korea Information Science Development Institute) Manager, POSCO HÜLZ marketing Sales Vice President, Economy Policy Making Association of Democratic Party (2010~2014) |
Park, SungHyeon bangmo@gmail.com
Chairman, Esunbon (Citizens for Good Education and Culture in Korea) Youtuber, Channel 'Exodus from Brainwashing'(세뇌탈출) Writer B.A., Economics, George Washington University Author of: 'A Miracle Called an Individual'(in Korean) 'The North Korean Totalitarianism'(in Korean) 'The Birth of Symbol' (in Korean) Interpreter of: 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' (by Friedrich Nietzsche) |
Park, Youngah youngah.park@gmail.com
Professor, Department of Physics, Myongji University(1989~present) 1987 Ph.D. (Physics), University of Pennsylvania 2008–2012 Member of the 18th National Assembly (Songpa 1st district in Seoul) 2013–2016 President, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) 2006-present Chair of the Working Group on Women in Physics of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) |
Samuel Hyun samuelhyunmba@gmail.com
CEIBS MBA - Chairman of Evvia consulting - Board member of frankly inc - VP of Global operation and Planing of SK Group - Missionary to Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands translation) Overcomers (jointly) |
Uhm, Chang-Sub uhmcskorea@gmail.com
Chief Professor, Department of Anatomy, Korea University College of Medicine M.D., Ph.D., Korea University Graduate School President, Korea University Council of Research Ethics Director, Practical Anatomy Research Institute, Korea University Previous President, Korean Society of Microscopy Publications: Textbooks (Tissue Biology, Human Histology, etc in Korean); The Human Structure (Commentary, in Korean); Reports on Future Education of Korea (Coauthor, in Korean); Strategic Future Forecast Methods (Coauthor, in Korean); Global Future 2030 (Coauthor, in Korean) |